One in three Romanians wants to get a loan in the next 12 months: tbi bank survey

More than a third of Romanians (34.3 percent) want to take out a loan in the coming months, of which almost 62 percent want a personal needs loan, according to a tbi bank survey among 1,057 respondents across the country.
Almost 20 percent of the respondents want to use the money to renovate their houses, about 18 percent need the financing to buy a car, and almost 12 percent want to buy household appliances. Also, for most respondents (63,8 percent), the favourable terms are the most important element when choosing the bank to obtain financing, while 28 percent say that credibility of the institution is a critical factor.
”Favourable credit terms are extremely important for consumers, which is to be expected. Today’s consumers are much better informed and much more careful about details than they were 10 years ago. We operate in a competitive market, which has a beneficial effect on how people can obtain finance on increasingly favourable terms”, said Gergana Staykova, Market Leader, Romania, tbi bank.
More than 40 percent of the respondents said that they need financing of up to 10.000 RON, while almost 50 percent think they would fully pay the loan in maximum 3 years. About 90 percent of the subjects said that they can repay a loan given the current economic context and the family’s financial situation, although some of them would have some difficulties.
In a case where they would no longer be able to pay the loans, almost 35 percent of the respondents said that they would ask for help from the relatives, almost 17 percent would choose to make another credit, and 4,6 percent would give up paying.
The tbi bank survey on Romanians’ perception of the financing was conducted nationwide in August-September 2023 via the iVox platform, on a total sample of 1,057 internet users in Romania. Slightly more than 50 percent of the participants are women, little less than 75 percent are at most 45 years old and more than 87 percent live in urban areas.