Andrei Mihai Craciun, Advisor to the Minister of Education: Technology has a transformation impact in the process of learning and working
Any weakness becomes a strength when you learn something from it. That’s what we should teach or prepare our colleagues for, whether is in the educational system, whether is in a team, whether is in an entourage you are interacting with. You are never going to be ok with making a mistake, but you can learn from it. You need to learn and be able to re-learn or forget what you do. Technology is here and it’s here to stay and will transform us for good.
You need to be able to learn and to be comfortable making mistakes from which you learn. There will be negative sides only if you don’t learn anything from it and you repeat the same mistakes. Learning is not process based on different patterns, I really do think that the process is transforming,” stated Andrei Mihai Craciun, Advisor to the Minister of Educationat the latest edition of People Empowering Business Forum 2023“, organized by the Diplomat-Bucharest and Outsourcing Today.
Find the full recording of the conference here:
In some of the countries around the world, the structured education has a span on over 300 years of experience. For instance, the Bologna process has been a try out to organize a condensed curriculum and it is an ongoing process, it produces results, but it is not because of the process, it is rather because we learn how to see a different approach. Every and each of us learned to get to know the younger generations, how to stimulate them in the process of learning and working and to what they respond best.
The learning system is transforming. To see the personal values, beliefs, and challenges for one person and if we are smart, to address it. To navigate and calibrating the skills and obtain the best value of the process. We need to empower the process and grasp the opportunities of technology that has a string transformation impact in the process of learning and working. In work environment, what with call cognitive diversity or the likeability factor is simply called chemistry and it is seen in the way we interact and answer to each other’s needs and patterns.
The emotional and unconscious bias is in human nature but the companies and organizations should calibrate this according to the needs and objectives. There are contexts where you need to put together teams to work for a more abstract and structured project, these people don’t usually need to get align based on their likeability factor. The creative, the tech-savvy, the social-skilled, the soft and hard skills need to match each-other to the final pursuit of the work objective or task.
It is very important for the middle management to pay attention to the team’s needs and to the company’s needs and them structuring it as such. As a middle manager or top manager, you have to identify each’s value as part of the team in order to make it function and generate the assumed results.