The Excellence in Business Gala awarded the champions of the Romanian economy

The successes, perseverance and performances of Romanian companies were awarded at the Excellence in Business Gala, organized by the Association for the Development of Local Entrepreneurship ADAA, under the patronage of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, with the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies as its official partner and Antena 3 CNN as its official media partner.
Representatives from local businesses took the stage, from small companies that are just starting out, to companies with tradition.

Andreea NEGRU, President of ADAA, said: “The Excellence in Business Gala is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of entrepreneurship and its contribution to the development of our economy. Through excellence and innovation, we can contribute to the creation of a stronger and more prosperous Romania. The Business Excellence Gala is an event dedicated to the business environment. The Association for the Development of Entrepreneurship supports and promotes companies that perform well in Romania.”
Representatives of the academic environment, of the European Commission in Romania, members of the Government and the business environment were present at the event, who pointed out the importance of recognizing the merits of Romanian entrepreneurs and managers.
Dorel PARASCHIV, Vice Chancellor for relations with the economic-social environment and student life at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, addressed the opening speech from the event’s official partner, ASE Bucharest: “Education, managerial capital and business skills are key factors that contribute to the entrepreneurial success of young people. Also, favorable physical operating conditions – such as access to dedicated spaces, basic infrastructure services and information and communication technology – improve performance. We are glad that, in the prestigious Aula Magna of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, ADAA organized the Business Excellence Gala for domestic entrepreneurs with a tradition that contributes to the sustainable development of the economy”.
The Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics, partner of the event, prof. univ. dr. Silvia IACOB, claimed: “The Excellence in Business Gala is an event attended by the elite of Romanian entrepreneurship, university teaching staff and officials from the economic and social environment. The event was distinguished by rewarding the talent and added value of local entrepreneurship, but also by the competition of the academic teaching staff, rewarded by the awarding of the Excellence Award for stimulating entrepreneurial and financial skills among students, awarded to the Faculty of Economics”.
Her Excellency, the Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Romania, Ramona CHIRIAC, addressed to the audience a message of support from the EC: “My message is that the European Union has been and will always be with the business community, both in good times, but also in more difficult times, through European funds, through the creation and maintenance of a climate conducive to the development of the economy and the business environment or through the standards regarding the rule of law. A slight recovery is expected next year, with a growth level of 1.4%, but there remain numerous risks and question marks that the European Commission will constantly monitor”.
Her Excellency emphasized this year’s challenges at the EU level, namely the labor force crisis and inflation. Among other things, Ramona Chiriac stated that, on the European labor market, 74% of small and medium-sized enterprises face a staff shortage. As a solution, his lordship supports the opening of the market to a greater extent for young people and women as well as the implementation of measures to adapt to technology and develop social dialogue.
On behalf of the Government, the State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Mihai PRECUP, pointed out: “I think it is more important than ever to identify the champions of the Romanian industry and help them. The government came in the last year with a clear answer regarding the support of Romanian businesses and companies. We understood our mission in this ecosystem and came up with a concrete answer to the need for capitalization. We are talking about 400 million euros that we are allocating, with expertise, exactly where it is needed. We detect the potential and invest. It’s an injection of capital, but it’s also an investment of trust, and yes, the economy needs trust more than ever. Of guarantees.”
In addition to the purpose of recognizing the merits of the companies, the guests of the extraordinary event emphasized that such meetings are a source of inspiration for young entrepreneurs.
Florin JIANU, President of the National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises in Romania, appreciated: “Stability and predictability must be on the frontispiece of every government. The immediate future must also mean a package to relaunch and support the business environment. Also, solutions must be identified for the extension of the European funds granted through the programs from 2014-2020.”
The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, partner of the Business Excellence Gala, through the voice of the Secretary of State, Mr. Lucian RUS, present at the event, supports the small and medium-sized enterprises sector starting from the four systematic needs of the business environment in Romania – the need to grow entrepreneurial density, the need to increase the resilience of firms, to encourage the growth of firms and the need to encourage the creation of added value.
During the ASE event, 23 companies, from small startups to large companies, listed on the capital market, were awarded. Part of the prizes were awarded by the Romania Intelligent platform.
The Excellence in Business Gala was moderated by Adrian Măniuțiu, who received the Excellence Award for supporting entrepreneurship.
About ADAA | The Association for the Development of Local Entrepreneurship
ADAA campaigns for the development of entrepreneurial and associative culture among domestic entrepreneurs and for the defense and promotion of their interests. Also, ADAA actively promotes the role and importance of entrepreneurship for the sustainable and sustainable economic development of Romania. The association was established in 2012 as a pressing need of the entrepreneurial environment to find a platform for communication and promotion of good practice models at national and international level. In addition, ADAA’s mission is to support awareness, both individually and collectively, of the importance of women’s involvement in public life, society and business.