E.ON installed a photovoltaic plant for Cemacon

A new photovoltaic plant was completed by E.ON Energie Romania within the partnership concluded with the Romanian brick producer, Cemacon, the value of the investment amounting to around 850,000 euros.
A system comprising 2,176 photovoltaic modules, with mono-crystalline technology, was installed on the roof of the factory in the Recea industrial park (Sălaj County). It will generate, on average, 976 MWh/year thus covering, together with the cogeneration plant, a large part of the electricity needs of this industrial park.
Moreover, annually, Cemacon will optimize its energy costs by approximately 83,000 euros, and the carbon footprint will be reduced by approximately 300 tons, equivalent to the annual emissions of 1,000 houses.
“Our business partners are increasingly concerned about green energy and do not want to be energy independent. That is why we are with them, on this path of decarbonization, and we come with customized, turnkey solutions. Our solutions help them achieve their goal and become energy independent”, said Claudia Griech, general director of E.ON Energie Romania.
“With the development into an industrial group of construction materials, the responsibility towards the environment and society increases proportionally. Therefore, we have proposed that by 2030, all our factories will cover their electricity consumption from alternative sources, and the project carried out with the company E.ON contributes to the fulfillment of this objective”, said Daniel Șologon, CEO of Cemacon.