Tarnita-Lapustesti hydro power plant project: the tender for the feasibility study has been cancelled

The project of the Tarnita-Lapustesti pumped hydro plant, brought back to public attention by the current Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, has entered a deadlock, after the tender for the award of the feasibility study was cancelled.
The procedure for “Feasibility study and technical-economic documentation development services as well as technical assistance and consultancy from the Contractor during the procurement procedure of the works (design and turnkey execution), related to the investment objective Hydroelectric plant with accumulation through pumpage (CHEAP) Tarnita – Lapustesti”, was cancelled, according to data from the Electronic Public Procurement System.
The official explanation from the electronic platform is: “This procedure was automatically cancelled because, on the deadline for submission of offers, none of the registered bidders encrypted the financial offer/or responded to all electronic evaluation factors, as applicable.”
Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy: “Every major project also faces challenges. We found a significant interest from the big profile companies, but – unfortunately – this did not materialize in compliant offers at this time. At the same time, more than 70 requests for clarifications were received, which concerned both the possible extension of the submission deadline and the contractual clauses. Some have already been accepted. I ordered the urgent resumption of the procedure for the acquisition of the technical-economic documentation, taking into account all the clarifications received in the first stage.
We are confident that the resumption of the procedure will be done at the beginning of next week, with an improved award documentation that will take into account the requests of the private sector. This will increase the chances of the successful completion of the procedure, which will have an initial term of 30 days. The Tarnita-Lapustesti project must go ahead and will go ahead at the fastest possible pace. It is the most important investment for balancing the national energy system, and the feasibility of its realization is confirmed by reputable experts in the energy sector. We encourage all possible competitors to get involved in the bidding procedure and to submit complete and compliant bids, within the deadlines provided by law”.