V7 Startup Studio will open a coworking space of 800 sqm within the Palas Iași mixed-use complex

A coworking space dedicated to the business community in Iași will be inaugurated in the second quarter of this year in the United Business Center 3 (UBC) building – developed by the IULIUS company within the Palas complex.
This coworking space concept developed by V7 Startup Studio is also present in downtown Bucharest, a concept that will make available to professionals specialized in various fields a modern working environment and premium conditions for business.
Access to the coworking space will be based on flexible subscriptions, designed according to the needs of each type of team. Located in the city center and within the Palas mixed-use complex, the hub will have an area of approximately 800 sqm, with further expansion up to 2,000 sqm that will be completed by the end of next year.
V7 Startup Studio is intended for small and medium sized teams, but also for freelancers, the common denominator being the effectiveness of working from a premium office, in a flexible regime and with advantages that are proven pre-requisites of innovation.
The project is structured to accommodate 90 offices, both in the open space area and in private spaces as well, fully equipped and arranged. The space also includes meeting rooms, a corporate events room, relaxation areas with permanent and temporary art exhibitions, an open space area for informal meetings, a library, a café-style kitchen, a printing and stationery area. There will also be access to a terrace of approximately 200 sqm, overlooking the “Palatul Culturii” edifice.
“In its more than 10 years of activity, United Business Center has contributed to the development of a strong business hub in the center of Iași, by means of the premium office infrastructure present in the Palas Iași complex and, more recently, in the Palas Campus, and now we are happy that this mix will be supplemented and rounded off by a coworking space as well. We envisage, together with our partners from V7 Startup Studio, to host here the most innovative and creative companies and startups in Iași. However, the space will also be dedicated to people who want to work remotely or find inspiration along other active members of the community”, noted Ionuț Pavel, United Business Center Manager.
“Iași is not only one of the most beautiful cities in Romania, but it also registers an important economic growth and a continuous development of the business infrastructure, especially in IT and related industries. Of course, these prerequisites, but also the fact that we can open here our first location outside of Bucharest, together with a partner (namely United Business Center) that has proven constant innovation in its field of activity, and which can offer us not only the best positioning, in the heart of the city, but also the opportunity to bring value to the business environment, mattered in making the decision to expand our business to Iași’’, said Miriam Constantin, owner of V7 Startup Studio.