Rețele Electrice Dobrogea completes first stage of modernization of the energy infrastructure in Constanta

Rețele Electrice Dobrogea (company part of PPC group, previously called E-Distribuţie Dobrogea) has completed the first stage of a project worth over 45.6 million RON, of which the updated eligible value is 30.6 million RON, which consists of the modernization of the energy infrastructure in Constanta.
The modernization component of a part of the medium voltage networks in Constanta targeted within the project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, of which the eligible value, financed through POIM 2014-2020, is 8.9 million RON.
During the first phase of the project, the medium voltage networks in Constanta were partially modernized, for the benefit of 12,553 customers in the municipality. The works consisted in the modernization of 21 transformer substations, supplied by medium voltage lines departing from 5 110/20 kV high-voltage transformer substations, so that the electricity distribution service was improved.
Another component of the project carried out in this first stage isthe development and implementation, with own funds, of an analytics cloud platform for the measurement-collection process through which data from all smart meters of the distribution operator is processed.
“The energy infrastructure in Constanta needs to keep up with the accelerated development of the city. That is why we also focus on projects with a non-reimbursable financing part, because the scale of modernization efforts is significant. We target all segments of electricity distribution to have smart, robust power grids and customers to benefit from a better experience. Also, within the project, Rețele Electrice companies have developed a digital platform for aggregating customer consumption data with smart meters in all three regions where these distribution operators are present. As for customers with smart meters in Constanta, they can monitor their electricity consumption in real time and thus adopt more energy-efficient behaviors. We will also continue the installation of smart meters in as many consumption places in the area as possible,” said Mihai Pește, general manager of Rețele Electrice companies.
The project, initiated in April 2020, led to the modernization of a portion of the network that provides customers with a superior electricity distribution service at a standardized quality level.
The third component of the project will be carried out in the second phase, financed by the Sustainable Development Program. This component aims to reduce the average energy consumption per residence and increase the quality of the distribution service; an integrated platform for advanced management of the distribution network will also be implemented in the targeted localities.