AQUILA reports net profit of 97 million RON, up 14 percent in 2023

AQUILA, the market leader in the field of integrated distribution and logistics services for consumer goods in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, ends the year 2023 with increasing business and a net profit of 97 million RON, a 14 percent compared to 2022, the highest since the company was founded.
The company’s revenue growth of 14 percent, up to 2.5 billion RON, was mainly supported by the distribution segment, which represents about 94 percent of the company’s total turnover.
“In 2023, we continued the organic growth, and we took steps towards new acquisitions for business expansion. The focus on the distribution channels with higher growth rates, product portfolio diversification, and the development of own brands have contributed to record financial results in 2023. Regarding the M&A component, we completed the transaction with Romtec and advanced discussions for the acquisition of Parmafood companies, for which we received the shareholders’ approval in February 2024. Operational excellence through efficiency, with digitalization and sustainability component, will continue to be a priority for AQUILA. Through the strategic approach adopted, we are moving towards doubling EBITDA by 2026, using the year 2021 as a benchmark,” said Cătălin Vasile, CEO AQUILA.
In the revenue structure, in 2023, the distribution and logistics business segments recorded increases of 14 percent and 11 percent, respectively, while the transport business segment recorded a slight decline of 4 percent. Revenues related to own brands, Gradena, La Masă, and Yachtis, saw an advance of 31 percent in 2023, up to RON 88 million.
Trigor AVD, the company acquired in 2021, one of the leading players in the consumer goods distribution market in the Republic of Moldova, registered also increased revenues by 14 percent.
The gross margin remained constant, at approximately 21 percent. EBITDA recorded an increase of 5 percent, up to RON 155 million.
AQUILA has made investments of RON 46 million in 2023, for the purchase of transportation means and warehouse equipment and automation.