Rețele Electrice Dobrogea completes modernization of high voltage lines and transformer substations through a project worth 11 million RON

Rețele Electrice Dobrogea (part of PPC group, previously called E-Distribuţie Dobrogea) has completed a project worth approximately 11 million RON, which consisted in increasing the distribution capacity of four high-voltage overhead power lines in the Constanța – Medgidia – Mircea Vodă area and modernizing four primary substations in the same area.
The project was co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, of which the non-reimbursable financing is 10 million RON.
Within the project, high-voltage lines (110 kV) were upgraded to allow the connection of renewable energy sources, facilitating the transition to decarbonized green energy distribution networks.
The area covered by the project is located on the routes of the lines between the primary substations Constanta Nord – Medgidia Nord, Nazarcea – Medgidia 1, Medgidia Nord – Mircea Vodă Nord and Mircea Vodă Nord – Mircea Vodă. The works carried out consisted of replacing the conductor on the network route to increase the distribution capacity, modernizing the poles by repainting, strengthening the foundations and replacing six high-voltage concrete pillars, but also replacing the measuring transformers in the four primary substations.
“In order to have resilient networks, adapted to the new energy trends, we need extensive modernization projects that we are also carrying out through financing mechanisms with a non-reimbursable component. The one now completed with the help of Large Infrastructure Operational Program funds targets an accelerated expansion area in a wider region that stands out for its multitude of renewable projects. As a result, we need high-voltage lines with an increased distribution capacity and adapted to current and future distribution needs”, said Mihai Pește, General Manager of Rețele Electrice companies.
Following the completion of the project, four primary substations in the targeted area were modernized, by replacing measuring transformers, to take over energy produced from renewable sources, while the modernized 110 kV power lines have a length of 14 km.
The project, initiated in September 2022, with a total duration of 17 months, led to increasing the degree of supply security of customers, producers and consumers, by reconducting lines, modernizing poles and increasing the distribution capacity of the grid, which will allow the enhancement of energy produced from renewable sources, contributing to the decarbonization objective set out in the Energy Strategy and the National Plan Integrated in Energy and Climate Change.