Catalina Magui, Societe Generale GSC: “AI will augment certain jobs, but at the same time we have to admit that other jobs will be directly affected”

“All employees want flexibility and the possibility to choose the work environment. I think there is no single answer regarding what motivates employees. We recruit many young people who tell us that they want a hybrid work environment, but who want to come to the office in the first months after employment. There are employees who tell us they want to come to the office. There are others who don’t want to at all. But everyone wants flexibility and the possibility to make a choice. Extremes are not good. We in HR should not say: This is what we must do and that’s it. We must let the managers be flexible in managing working relationships, and we in HR must offer them support for setting up the work environment,” Catalina Magui, HR Director, Societe Generale Global Solution Centre said during HR Conference | Elevating Work powered by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“People change and we, in HR, must understand this and be with them, understand and listen to them.
The notion of wellbeing is used more and more, but from my point of view it is often interpreted superficially when it comes to the essence of well-being.
Within BRD Groupe Societe Generale we look at wellbeing at work, which is a broader notion than looking at how well I feel physically or emotionally today. It is an indicator that we measure both with employees and with managers, we see where the problems are and address them.
Working in a large company where the nature of our activities makes people and managers interact with different cultures, with different projects from other countries, people learn by doing. We invest a lot in the area of mentorship for newly promoted managers and coaching where needed, through the direct involvement of senior leadership.
Artificial intelligence will augment certain jobs, but at the same time we have to be honest with ourselves. Some jobs will be directly affected. Whoever will have the ability to change and learn something else will move into the empowerment camp. Who doesn’t, we can’t say that he/ she has a bright future.”
Catalina Magui is the Human Resources Director of Societe Generale Global Solution Centre since February 2022. She has over 25 years of experience in the Outsourcing/Offshoring industry, Human Resources and Banking.
Previously to the HRD role, she led the HRCO (HR Shared Service) in SG GSC, having contributed to the set-up of the HR SSC since 2012, leading the team as Deputy Head in 2014 and as Head from in 2016.
Before SG GSC, Catalina Magui has worked for 16 years in BRD in different areas: capital markets, general secretariate and HR.
Experienced Executive manager graduated from ASEBUSS & University of Washington.
Full recording of the conference HERE.