Hidroelectrica completes the LN3 type work for hydro unit 1 at CHE Costisa

Hidroelectrica announces the reception at the end of the LN3 type work for the hydro unit no. 1 from CHE Costisa, thus marking an important step in the development and consolidation of the hydroelectric infrastructure. The project was completed in a period of 155 working days. The negotiated value of this work is 6 million lei, and the realization of the project was possible thanks to the close collaboration between Hidroelectrica and the technical team from Hidroserv.
The work completed today is of particular importance to Hidroelectrica, as it allows the plants to operate at full canal capacity before flood events. This improvement contributes significantly to ensuring stability and operational efficiency for the hydropower complex.
“Hidroelectrica wishes to convey sincere thanks to the management of the branch, represented by manager Vasile Stahie, for the sustained efforts and the strategic approach in project management. We also recognize the special contribution of the specialists from Hidroserv, who also carried out the automation of the hydro unit, bringing innovation and efficiency to our operations” – said Karoly Borbely, CEO of Hidroelectrica.
CHE Costișa is part of a set of nine hydropower plants on the Piatra Neamț-Bacău sector: Vânători (14 MW), Roznov (14 MW) where the first Romanian-made turbine still operates today, Zănești (14 MW), Costișa (14 MW), Buhuși (11 MW), Racova (23 MW), Gârleni (23 MW), Lilieci (23 MW) and Bacău (30 MW). All these plants are equipped with Kaplan turbines.
Hidroelectrica is the largest producer of green energy in Romania and provides essential technological services for the National Energy System. The company, crucial for a strategic sector with national security implications, operates 187 plants with a hydropower capacity of 6.3 GW and – in addition, owns a wind farm in Crucea with an installed capacity of 108 MW.