Rompetrol Rafinare has started the general turnaround of Petromidia refinery

Rompetrol Rafinare, a member company of the KMG International Group (Rompetrol), has started the general turnaround of the Petromidia refinery, scheduled for the period March 8 – April 26, an extensive project aimed at the maintenance, recertification and modernization of the production units of the largest refinery in Romania.
During the first stage of the turnaround, all installations will stop their operational processes, the oil product will be removed from all production units, and the actual works will last about 40 days. At the end of the period, the units will be reintroduced, gradually, into the production flow of the refinery, and specialists estimate that Petromidia will be able to return to optimal capacity in May.
The works will be coordinated by Rominserv (the general contractor of KMG International) and will be carried out with the support of over 30 subcontracted companies from Romania and other European countries, which have wide expertise in such projects.
During the turnaround program, projects will be implemented, aimed at replacing the reactors in the Diesel Hydrotreater unit, modernizing and changing some components and subassemblies in the Hydrogen Plant, respectively the Delayed Coking unit.
The Petromidia general turnaround is a mandatory and necessary measure implemented by Rompetrol Rafinare, which takes place every 4 years, aimed at ensuring a higher safety rate of both technical installations, as well as employees from the platform.
During the turnaround, the Vega Refinery from Ploiesti will partially reduce its activity, for a series of maintenance works, but also due to the reduction of raw materials and semi-finished products supplied by the Petromidia Refinery from Navodari.