UNIQA concluded 2023 with increased profitability

In 2023, UNIQA Asigurari and UNIQA Asigurari de Viata reported total gross written premiums of 119.5 million euros, according to the statutory records, and concluded the year with financial results increasing by 10 percent, compared to 2022, supported mainly by the positive dynamics of the non-motor and life insurance segments.
The two UNIQA companies continued to improve their profitability, so that, at the end of 2023, they reported a total statutory profit before taxation of 9.3 million euros.
The non-motor insurance segment developed rapidly, with focus on the needs of customers, and generated a 24 percent higher sales volume compared to the one reported at the end of 2022, with gross written premiums of 58.6 million euros.
„In 2023, we continued on a beautiful path from the perspective of UNIQA’s evolution, along which we developed the company’s activity in a sustainable way, bringing our insurance solutions closer to more and more clients in Romania, both people and companies. We have kept the needs of the clients in focus, optimizing the services and simplifying the flows with the help of digitization, for a best quality experience offered to them. We enjoy the appreciation of our customers and aim to further strengthen the trust they give us. We stepped forward in 2024, the year that marks 15 years since UNIQA contributes responsibly to the development of the insurance market in Romania, with clear objectives to remain a relevant, solid and stable partner for our customers, collaborators and our team, for living better together”, stated Paul Cazacu (photo), President of the Board – CEO UNIQA Asigurari.
In the life insurance segment, UNIQA concluded 2023 with a volume of gross written premiums increasing by 15 percent, compared to the previous year, generating sales worth 35 million euros, with a significant share in the area of traditional insurance and those associated with bank loans.
“We are happy with the results with which we concluded another good year for UNIQA from the perspective of life insurance and for the fact that we support our clients with relevant solutions that help them build a more secure future. The customers’ trust in UNIQA’s products and services motivates us and makes us responsible, all the more, throughout our mission to contribute to living better together. We want to stay connected to our customers’ needs, based on which we constantly adapt our products and services, to help them choose the protection they need for themselves and their families. We believe in our role to support a more resilient society, better prepared for unforeseen situations and we assume it, relying on the competence and professionalism of our team and partners, who act as true consultants for UNIQA customers”, stated Mihaela Stroia, President of the Board – CEO UNIQA Asigurari de Viata.