Flash Lighting Services reports revenue growth of 42 percent in 2023

Flash Lighting Services, market leader in the design, construction, and management of intelligent lighting systems announces the results achieved during the year 2023, as well as the development directions for 2024. In 2023, the company recorded a turnover of 184 million RON, approximately 37 million euros, representing a growth of 42.6 percent (54.9 million RON) compared to the previous year.
“Adequate and intelligent public lighting is no longer just a necessity, but also a crucial investment for the development of our cities, with impacts on the quality of citizen’s life, public safety, and economic efficiency, both locally and nationally. Going forward, we will focus on achieving results that reflect our commitment to people and the environment. To accomplish this, we aim to expand the Flash Lighting Services team by approximately 6 percent this year. We want to direct our efforts even more towards end-users, including citizens, tourists, employees, and all those who come into contact with our projects, to provide them with pleasant experiences in a safe, sustainable, and comfortable environment,” says Dan Vătăjelu, CEO of Flash Lighting Services.
For the year 2024, Flash Lighting Services aims for an approximately 13 percent growth rate, focusing on diversification of its business areas.