Transelectrica signs PNRR contract for photovoltaic plants and storage facilities in 29 electrical energy stations

Transelectrica announces it signed with the General Secretariat of the Government the financing contract for the implementation of the investment “The efficiency, modernization and digitization of the national power transmission network”, financed by the REPowerEU component of PNRR in the amount of 56.2 million euro.
Three essential investment projects for the efficiency and modernization of the national power transmission network will be financed through this contract, two of them addressed to the subsidiaries SMART SA and Teletrans SA.
The investment aims at the installation of photovoltaic plants and storage facilities in 29 electrical energy stations, at the refurbishment of the SMART SA subsidiary and the optimization of the communications network managed by the Teletrans subsidiary and at creating a data centre.
“The implementation of these projects will bring significant contribution at strengthening the Electrical Energy Transmission Network of Romania. The objective of the REPower EU- funded investment is to increase flexibility and to address the jams in the electricity network in order to accelerate the integration of additional renewable energy capacity and increase grid resilience, while strengthening cyber security through better capacity response to cyber attacks,” Transelectrica representatives said.