AKTOR installed the foundation of the future passage over A1 highway

The constructors’ team from Aktor Romania, part of the Intrakat Group, has completed mounting all six metal beams forming the central section of the road junction over the A1 highway near Ciorogârla. This passage is being built on lot 3 of the A0 Bucharest South Highway.
The operation of mounting the six metal beams, weighing each 25 tons, started on Friday morning, and was completed on Saturday afternoon. The following operation is welding the beams and the structure for the next 10-11 days. After completion, the passage over A1 will weigh over 540 tons and will require 5 tons of protective paint, according to Bogdan Mezei, the project manager of the Aktor’s construction site on L3 A0 South.
Also, more than 10,000 linear meters of welding were necessary for the construction – that is the equivalent of almost the entire beach of Mamaia and Navodari altogether.
For this operation, the road traffic has been diverted on Highway A 1 Bucharest – Pitesti at km. 18 onto the side ramps built just to the side of Highway A1, as CNAIR announced on Friday. The circulation restrictions are planned to be lifted on April 26.
In parallel, Aktor works on all 11 structures, bridges, and overpasses, installs the metal beams on the CFR passage, performs the last works for the embankments, lays the BSC coat. The constructor also started the asphalting works.
More than 500 workers and engineers of all qualifications, with almost 270 machines such as excavators, bulldozers, cranes for heavy lifting, concrete batching plants, asphalt pavers, road rollers, pile drivers for bridge foundation work, or concrete pump trucks, are working around the clock out there in the flat landscape south-west of Bucharest, on an 18 km long stretch of dirt, gravel, and screening, so you can drive this fall on a highway bypassing the Capital’s suffocating traffic.
Now, the Greek construction company maintains September 2024 as delivery date.
Aktor Romania is developing several significant projects in the country, such as the rehabilitation and modernization of the Apața-Cața railway section, part of the Brasov – Sighisoara railway line, in consortium with Alstom and Arcadia.
Aktor Construction is a member of the Intrakat Group, an industry leader in Greece’s construction, infrastructure, concessions/public-private partnerships (PPP), renewable energy sources (RES), energy storage, real estate development, environmental projects, and digital technologies sectors, with a significant presence in Southeast Europe, listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 2001.