Daniela Daraban, ACUE: “Energy efficiency is the best first ‘fuel’ for development that Romania has”

“Public institutions play a key role in the correct understanding of the concept of energy efficiency. Unfortunately, the starting point for Romania is a mentality that reminds us of some times that we must forget. In the minds of some people, energy efficiency is mixed with the energy rationalization policy during the communist regime, which is not true. It is up to us to correct this misunderstanding,” according to Daniela Daraban, Executive Director of ACUE.
“Expertise must be combined with experience in communication. Communication is very important both in the relationship with the authorities and with the citizens. We discovered a great interest from the local authorities, but they do not have enough information and data to translate into energy efficiency actions.
It is very important that clear information about the concept of energy efficiency reaches the public. I think this is what we lack so that we can have public policies, which must be implemented in collaboration with those who are targeted by these policies.
We still have many things to do. From my point of view, energy efficiency is the best first ‘fuel’ for development that Romania has. Before we talk about investments in new resources, we should see what we can save through projects that help us consume less.”
The Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE) has successfully completed the “Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes, Smart Buildings and Smart Networks” project, financed with the support of grants awarded through the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014-2021, within the “Romanian Energy Program “.
The ACUE project plan included 10 events dedicated to household consumers, public institutions and those interested in producing energy from renewable sources that can be efficiently integrated into distribution networks, supported by information campaigns focused on awareness of energy waste, on solutions at hand on reducing consumption without reducing energy comfort.
The greatest savings potential is found in buildings, whose proper insulation can bring savings of up to 40-50 percent of consumption, depending on the type of building. Each year, only 1 percent of the existing building stock undergoes energy renovations. Romania is included in this statistic, where 8 out of 10 buildings need thermal rehabilitation, being built before 1980 and approximately 1.3 percent of blocks are renovated annually. Public buildings are responsible for approximately 40 percent of energy consumption recorded at national level.