Gebrüder Weiss: Moderate optimism for the Romanian transport and logistics market in 2024

In 2023, the local transport and logistics market went through a period of adjustment, marked on the one hand by important opportunities, but also by challenges. The effects will also be visible in 2024, but still this year is marked by optimism, even if a moderate one, according to an analysis carried out by Gebrüder Weiss Romania.
“The transport and logistics market was deeply influenced, last year, by a series of significant events, which shaped the dynamics and imposed new directions for the sector. Among them, regional conflicts, climate change and the integration of electric vehicles in supply chains stood out as particularly influential”, said Viorel Leca, General Manager of Gebrüder Weiss Romania.
Even though the beginning of the year brought a slight drop in international traffic and a contraction in consumption and purchasing power, there is reserved optimism that things will stabilize in 2024. This period requires adaptation and flexibility to manage economic and political changes.
Thus, in the context of the globalization of the economy and international trade, an increase in demand for transport and logistics services in Romania is expected. Advanced technologies, sustainability and adaptation to political changes will be a priority for profile companies, and infrastructure investments will play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of the sector.
Expectations are moderately optimistic on the maritime and air transport segment, with the awareness that the economic environment will be closely linked to the political one, in a year also marked by major electoral events.
“A difficult year awaits us, with declining volumes and reduced profit margins, similar to the situation in Europe in this first part of the year. In front of the customer, the difference will be made by companies that manage to attract and keep motivated and engaged people, who bring real value through their activity”, said Adelina Anghel, Area Manager East, Gebrüder Weiss Romania.