Delgaz Grid invests 7.75 million lei in the modernization of the gas network in Bistrita-Năsăud
Five investment projects in natural gas distribution, whose total value exceeds 7.75 million lei (1.5 million euros), were planned for this year by Delgaz Grid in Bistriţa-Năsăud county. The works aim to modernize the gas network over a length of about 24 kilometers in four localities in the county.
As a result of the investments, the supply of natural gas to the residents of Bistrita will be improved, ensuring the continuity and operational safety of the distribution network.
“At the level of the entire company, for the distribution of natural gas, this year we have planned investments worth 365 million lei, the main objective being the modernization and expansion of the network. At the same time, together with the town halls, we will establish distributions in eight localities in the country. We thank the local authorities for constantly supporting us in carrying out investment works that lead to an increase in the quality of our services and the number of customers connected to the network”, said Cristian Ifrim, the deputy general director of Delgaz Grid.
The most important investment projects, which consist in the replacement of natural gas pipelines and connections, will take place in the localities of Nuşeni (over 9 km), respectively Chiochiş (over 6.5 km), the municipality of Bistriţa (6 km) and Beclean (over 2 km). Last year, in Bistriţa-Năsăud county, three investment projects were carried out through which more than 8 km of natural gas pipelines and connections were modernized, and the network was extended by approximately 50 km, for the connection of new consumers.
In 2023, Delgaz Grid invested about 419 million lei in the distribution of natural gas, especially for the modernization of over 250 km of pipelines and gas connections, the distribution network being extended by 468 km. At the same time, in partnership with the local authorities, 14 new natural gas distribution points were established, over a length of 110 kilometers, in localities in the counties of Iaşi, Bacău, Satu Mare, Suceava, Botoşani, Cluj and Harghita. Also last year, seven natural gas measurement regulation stations were modernized in the counties of Sibiu, Suceava, Bacău, Satu Mare and Bihor.
Delgaz Grid, the distribution company within the German E.ON Group, operates a natural gas network of 25,800 km in 20 counties in the North and West of Romania (Cluj, Bistriţa Năsăud, Maramureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Timiș , Arad, Bihor, Caraş-Severin, Hunedoara, Mureş, Sibiu, Alba, Harghita, Iasi, Botoşani, Vaslui, Suceava, Neamţ and Bacău) and an electricity network of 81,500 km in six counties in Moldova: Bacău, Botoşani, Iasi , Neamţ, Suceava and Vaslui. Since entering the local market in 2005, E.ON has invested 2.3 billion euros, mainly for the modernization of gas and electricity networks, and transferred 3.4 billion euros in taxes and fees to the state.