CEC Bank has financed over 3,000 investment projects from European funds

European funds have an essential role in Romania’s development, CEC Bank financing, from the start of the 2007-2013 Financial Year until now, more than 3,000 investment projects, according to Ramona Ivan, Director of Relations with National and International Institutions at CEC Bank.
In the 2007-2024 period, CEC Bank granted a number of 3,243 loans for the financing of projects with a non-reimbursable component, with a total value of 9.4 billion RON. The financed projects had a grant component worth 22.3 billion RON.
The main funding was granted under the rural funding programs (PNDR and POPAM) with a number of 2,140 projects and a cumulative value of funding of 3.5 billion RON, followed by the regional operational program (POR) with 612 funded projects, with a cumulative value of 2.75 billion RON.
Within these financings, a number of 521, with a cumulative value of 2.7 billion RON, were granted to local public administration authorities (AAPL), in order to implement projects with an impact on the respective communities, and a number of 2,722 credits with a cumulative value of 6.7 billion RON were granted to companies, in order to develop the investment projects proposed by them.