Association for Supporting Child Artists from Romania, with the support of ALRO and in collaboration with the Olt County Council donate a piano to the theoretical high school Nicolae Titulescu in Slatina

The Association for the Support of Children and Young Artists from Romania – Duiliu Zamfirescu (ASCAR), with the support of ALRO and in collaboration with the OLT County Council, organized the second annual event to support young artists from Olt County. During this event, ASCAR donated a piano worth over 16,000 euros to the Nicolae Titulescu theoretical high school, in Slatina, to be used by children and young pianists from Olt County.
“Last year, when we launched the program to support future artists in Olt County, we identified an impressive number of talented children and young people who need our support to reach their potential. That’s why we decided to determine with them and their mentors what they need to progress in the artistic fields in which they excel. This year, we decided to replace the old piano at the Nicolae Titulescu theoretical high school, to give them the opportunity to work on a new piano, which will help them in their evolution.” said Nicolas Duiliu Zamfirescu de Aritonovici – President and founder of ASCAR. “We are honored that, through ASCAR, we can support young talents from Olt and that we can contribute to their future development”.
ASCAR’s strategy is to identify and support, financially and logistically, talented children and young artists, the programs put into practice in Olt County being implemented with the help of the aluminium producer ALRO.
“We remain consistent with our long-term strategy of supporting the communities in which we operate, in sectors such as education, culture or social”, said Gheorghe Dobra (photo), the general director of ALRO. “We are honored to be part of programs that aim precisely to support the young generations in Olt to reach their potential, to study and become those who will put their shoulders to the future development of our county. As ALRO focuses on the economic development of the region, we are convinced that the young people supported by ASCAR will have an important role in social and cultural development”, added Gheorghe Dobra.
ASCAR’s strategy is based on the belief that talented young artists can generate significant changes not only in the artistic community in Romania, but also in society in general.
Last year, ASCAR awarded prizes totaling 20,000 euros for children and young artists from Olt County who excel in fields such as visual arts, music and dance. ASCAR awarded two prizes worth 2,000 euros, six prizes worth 1,000 euros, 12 prizes worth 500 euros and 18 mentions worth 100 euros. A special prize totaling 1,600 euros was awarded to an artistic ensemble.