Horváth Romania reported revenues of 8 million euros, increasing by 21 percent in 2023

The revenues of Horváth Romania – part of the international management consulting group Horváth – increased by 21 percent in 2023 reaching approximately 8 million euros. The growth of Horváth Romania was due to the high demand for consulting projects in areas related to digital transformation, sustainability (green transformation), reorganization and efficiency of business processes.
In addition to projects in Romania, local consultants were involved in the development and delivery of international projects, in German-speaking countries (DACH: Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and the Middle East, thus contributing to the record revenues recorded by the Horváth Group in fiscal year 2023 -2024 of 306 million euros.
Horváth Romania’s customers mainly come from fields such as energy, transport, oil & gas and FMCG, and the main challenges that can be expected this year – and that other industries will also face – refer to the needs of businesses by: (1) digital transformation; (2) green transformation; respectively (3) organizational / operational transformation.
In addition, the Horváth team in Bucharest estimates that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity could intensify, which may lead to an increase in “post-merger” integration projects of companies.
“From 2020 onwards, we can no longer speak of a normality in business, but of multiple challenges, which come from several directions, with great speed and, often, must be faced simultaneously. However, I believe that in Romania there will be opportunities for growth in all industries, and foreign investments will not bypass us. The important thing is to be prepared to capitalize on these chances. More and more companies understand that they can make a competitive leap through digital transformation and green transformation, being increasingly interested in such projects, the successful implementation of which can increase their sales and profitability”, says Kurt Weber, Managing Director, Horváth Romania.
For 2024, Horváth Romania aims to increase its business in areas such as digital transformation, green transformation, and organizational transformation. To support the pace of growth, the company relies on strengthening the team, both numerically (which has risen to 40 members, currently, compared to 35, the previous year), and at the level of expertise.