Gabriel Andronache, ANRE: “The number of prosumers is approaching 130,000, and the installed capacity has exceeded 1,700 MW”

“We have to find solutions to meet all the challenges in the market, so that we have quality, quantity and a good price of energy. We must support energy production. At this moment, we are working on the regulation in the field of offshore wind, so that the investments start and we have the 3,000 MW installed in the Black Sea area in 2030.
Contracts for difference (CfD) are very important for renewable energy and we must support the development of these projects. We have in mind the guarantees of origin and we will work with the Ministry of Energy to find solutions to modify the electricity law and to have a mechanism similar to the green certificates,” Gabriel Andronache, vicepresident of ANRE, said at Regional Energy Forum (FOREN 2024).
During this period, we are talking with Transelectrica and the distribution companies to prepare the fifth regulatory period, a very important one. It was supposed to start from January 1, but it was a very well thought out postponement, from our point of view.
The electricity market has stabilized, and this stabilization has led to the preparation of the exit from this capping mechanism, which will be eliminated after March 31, 2025.
On April 30, 2024, the installed capacity among prosumers was 1707 MW. We find that the almost 130,000 prosumers produce a larger amount of energy than the dispatchable amount. The Ministry of the Environment is considering that, starting this fall, the Casa Verde Photovoltaic program will also include storage capacities.”
The Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME) organizes on June 16-18 the biennial Regional Energy Forum (FOREN).
Having reached its 17th edition, FOREN 2024 responds to a real need for analysing and debating on the status of the energy sectors in the Central and Southeast European region and identifying cooperation solutions in energy domain.