Two bids submitted for the feasibility study of the Tarnița-Lăpuștești hydropower plant

Two companies have submitted bids in the tender procedure for the “Feasibility Study and Technical-Economic Documentation related to the investment objective Tarniţa – Lăpuşteşti Hydroelectric Power Plant with Accumulation by Pumping (CHEAP)”, announced the Energy Participation Administration Society (SAPE).
“The submission of offers for the feasibility study marks a crucial moment for the development of the Tarniţa hydropower plant. The SAPE team will carefully evaluate these offers to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to successfully advance this project of vital importance for Romania’s energy security. Submitting the offers for the feasibility study represents the first step, but with this, we can say that, officially, the construction of the Tarniţa hydropower plant has started. We are proud to be involved in a project of such scope and responsibility”, said the president of the SAPE Directorate, Bogdan Nicolae Stănescu.
The construction and operation of the Tarniţa – Lăpuşteşti pumped storage hydropower plant has numerous advantages: it improves the operating regime of the Cernavodă nuclear power plant, especially in the perspective of building Units 3 and 4, but also of fossil fuel thermoelectric power plants, through the transfer of electricity from empty to peak load; participates in frequency-power regulation; ensures rapid tertiary reserve; ensures the short-term breakdown reserve; ensures optimal conditions for the operation of intermittent renewable power plants; provides reactive power and operation in compensatory mode, ensuring compliance with electricity quality standards; improves the participation of the SEN in the single European electricity market, increasing the degree of safety on the SEN as a whole and increases the possibility of operating the SEN in superior technical and economic conditions.
“Our vision regarding investments is long-term. We want a sustainable development of the company, so, in addition to the production from renewable sources, which is developed using both our own and European funds, we aim to balance the energy mix, using natural gas, the Titan Power project, to build a power plant in high-efficiency cogeneration, being an example in this regard. In addition to the generation projects, we also have energy storage projects, through the use of hydrogen (SAPE Hydrogen 10) and the biggest project in which we are involved, that of the Tarniţa hydropower plant. SAPE will become an extremely important player not only on the energy market in Romania, but also in the region. That is why we are determined to make every effort so that the CHEAP Tarniţa-Lăpuşteşti project, together with all our other projects, is completed in the shortest possible time!”, added Stănescu.
The Energy Shareholding Administration Company was established in 2013, through the partial division of the Electrica company. SAPE took over all the rights and obligations from the privatization contracts of the former companies Electrica Banat, Electrica Dobrogea, Electrica Moldova, Electrica Oltenia and Electrica Muntenia Sud.