Delgaz Grid: Investments of over 240 million RON in high-voltage power lines (110 kV), with financing from the Modernization Fund

Delgaz Grid has submitted so far a number of 20 investment projects, totalling 3.3 billion RON, in order to obtain 2.6 billion RON financing from the Modernization Fund, the difference being provided by the company.
Six projects, worth 900 million RON, with a co-financing of almost 700 million RON, have already been approved and the financing contracts signed.
The package of 20 projects refers to: modernization of transformer stations, high, medium and low voltage networks, transformer stations, SMART metering, as well as increasing the capacity of networks.
The two projects to modernize the high-voltage overhead power lines, for one of which the financing contract was signed, have a total value of 243 million RON, of which 190 million RON represent financing from the Modernization Fund.
Cristian Secoșan, general manager of Delgaz Grid: “The high voltage network is vital for taking over the energy generated by large wind or photovoltaic parks. That’s why we invest heavily in the development and increase of the capacity of the distribution system, both from our own sources and from financing attracted from European Funds, through the Modernization Fund.”
The main works envisaged are the installation of almost 1,350 km of conductors with increased capacity and about 400 poles, the installation and integration into SCADA of a DLR system (Dynamic Line Rating – is a technology used to evaluate the transmission capacity of lines electricity in real time, depending on the environmental conditions and contributes to the optimal use of the network).