LPP Logistics launches the second e-commerce warehouse in Romania

In response to the dynamic growth of LPP brands in the markets of Southern Europe, LPP Logistics has decided to launch another e-commerce warehouse in this region. The 40,000 sqm facility in Romania is already the second fulfillment center managed by LPP Logistics in the country, which will allow for additional processing of up to 400,000 orders per day.
For several years, Polish clothing manufacturer LPP has been strengthening its presence in Southern Europe, and Romania remains one of the company’s key sales markets. Building brand recognition in the region is supported by both the intensive expansion of the sales network and the development of e-commerce, including the growing popularity of mobile applications.
Over the past year, the company has expanded its availability in traditional outlets to over 500 stores and, with the start of 2024, launched online sales of all brands in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Seeing further growth potential, the company has planned to open a further 200 stores in Southern Europe this year.
“The recognition of LPP brands in Southern Europe built for several years now is paying off in the form of positive results and optimistic sales forecasts. For logistics, this means the need to optimize processes and adapt them to growing volumes, so that at the final stage the customer can enjoy product availability and fast delivery. In order to meet these expectations, we have decided to launch the second e-commerce warehouse in Romania, which will allow us to increase our operational capacity and speed up order fulfilment. This is our third investment in this country, one of the fastest growing countries in the region. An unquestionable advantage of this location is its strategic location in relation to the Black Sea port of Constanta, which makes it possible for us to diversify our shipping paths and receive the Group’s orders directly from Asian suppliers.” says Sebastian Sołtys, president of the management board of LPP Logistics.
LPP Logistics will use the new location to streamline the delivery of online orders to customers in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, and Hungary. The 40,000 sqm facility, with a storage capacity of up to 4 million items, is located at CTPark Bucharest West near Bucharest, in the municipality of Bolintin-Deal, in direct proximity to the distribution center, which is its source of supply.