Energy Minister Burduja: “The Government adopted a project creating the legal framework for the ELCEN-Termoenergetica merger”

The Romanian Government adopted a draft law creating the legal framework for the ELCEN-Termoenergetica merger, according to an announcement made by the Minister of Energy Sebastian Burduja.
“The project is carried out by the Ministry of Development based on its own analysis and co-initiated by the Ministry of Energy, based on the government memorandum that we approved at the beginning of this year. (…) Why this merger? Because it will reduce maintenance bills, ensure the operation of the system, make expenses more efficient and put an end, once and for all, to the permanent scandal surrounding the debts accumulated by Termoenergetica towards Electrocentrale Bucuresti ELCEN,” said Minister Burduja.
According to the energy minister, the merger could be completed by February 2026 at the latest, after the assets have been evaluated and all steps have been completed by both companies.
“In order not to get stuck (again), we request the payment of the debts that Termoenergetica has to ELCEN, in the amount of over 1 billion RON today. We are open to supporting PMB with any information needed to urgently resolve the situation. The lack of these funds endangers ELCEN’s investment plans, including the modernization of the 3 CETs (Sud, Grozăvesti and Progresu), after 50-60 years of operation,” Minister Burduja concluded.