Ministry of Energy publishes the updated version of the Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035 resulting from the public consultation process

The Ministry of Energy has published the updated version of the “Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with the perspective of 2050”, following the suggestions received from civil society, academia and industry regarding the project.
The next steps towards adoption are the initiation of the framing stage regarding the establishment of the procedure for carrying out the environmental assessment for plans and programs, followed by the inter-institutional approval procedure and adoption by government decision.
The public consultation process took place between June 14 and July 13, 2024, and a debate with interested parties was organized on July 3 at the headquarters of the National Institute of Statistics. During the consultation period, 48 written points of view were received from interested actors, with hundreds of specific suggestions. Also, during this period, the inter-institutional consultation took place, the Ministry of Energy benefiting from the points of view of the other public institutions with responsibilities in the field.
“We are taking another step in adopting a national strategy that will guide the development of the energy sector in a coherent, well-planned way. The last energy strategy was adopted 17 years ago, for the period 2007-2020. We therefore had a pressing need to adopt a new programmatic document. Among the novelties of the Strategy compared to the previous programmatic documents, I would list: the imperative to guarantee the energy security of the Republic of Moldova, the emphasis on lowering energy prices for domestic and industrial consumers, the development of storage capacities, cyber security and the construction of a local supply chain with technologies and materials necessary for the transition green I mention that this Strategy was developed by experts from the Ministry of Energy, together with those from subordinate companies and institutions, as well as by members of the Honorary Council for Energy. Not a single leu from the public budget was used for external consulting.”
Regional developments, the climate context and the economic situation create a multitude of challenges and at the same time opportunities for Romania, especially in the field of energy. We must meet the challenges innovatively and use the opportunities intelligently. The Energy Strategy is about investments that align the energy sector with Romania’s needs of tomorrow. A Romania with safe, cheap and clean energy”, declared the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja
The energy sector is an essential pillar of Romania’s development process as a whole. The vision of Romania’s Energy Strategy is to develop the energy sector under conditions of security, sustainability, economic growth and accessibility.
In the context of the need to accelerate the green transition and improve energy security, the Energy Strategy aims to ensure complementarity between: maintaining affordable prices and supporting economic competitiveness; the gradual transition from fossil fuels to renewable and/or low-carbon energy sources; development of storage capacities; improving energy efficiency; diversification of local energy sources; strengthening energy transmission and distribution networks; encouraging the increase of internal consumption in conditions of efficiency; making networks more flexible and creating a competitive market and performance that gives consumers a central role.