Ministry of Energy signed 21 contracts for new capacities to produce electricity from renewable sources for self-consumption

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, signed today 21 financing contracts within the call from the Fund for Modernization: Program – key 1: Renewable energy sources and energy storage.
The signed projects aim to support investments in new electricity production capacities from renewable sources for local communities, the beneficiaries being public institutions. The total value of the financed projects amounts to over 80.7 million RON (16.2 million Euro), of which 74.5 million RON (14.9 million Euro) represents the financing granted through the Modernization Fund. The total capacity installed through these projects will be 11.67 MW.
“The signing of these contracts supports Romania’s energy transition and brings us one step closer to our goal of ensuring clean and affordable energy for all communities. Through this program, we have so far financed 165 contracts with town halls, universities and public institutions, with a total value of over 510 million lei, of which 444.3 million lei represent non-refundable European funds. Through these contracts, local communities and public entities can develop photovoltaic or wind farms or micro-hydro plants for self-consumption. In most cases, these investments cover up to 70% of own consumption, from public lighting to school utilities. The final beneficiaries are always the citizens. They will directly feel the positive effects of these investments, from lower electricity bills to a cleaner and healthier environment. These investments will reduce energy costs at the local level, create new jobs and improve the quality of life of citizens”, said the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja.
List of beneficiaries: the communes of Almaș, Bârzava and the city of Ineu (Arad county), Adunații Copăceni commune (Giurgiu county), Pischia and Pietroasa communes (Timiș county), Ernei and Bălăușeri communes (Mureș county), Ciurea commune (county Iasi), Urmeniș commune (Bistrița-Năsăud county), Sânmartin commune (Bihor county) Târgu Cărbunești city (Gorj county), Găvănești commune (Olt county), Balta Albă commune (Buzău county), Rebricea commune (county . Vaslui), Galați municipality and Smârdan commune (Galați county), Curtea de Argeș municipality, Ciucea commune, Cluj county (postponed), Lupeni commune (Harghita county) and Vârciorog and Pocola communes (Bihor county).