Hidroelectrica signed contracts for the modernization of the Vaduri, Remeți and Arcești hydroelectric plants

Hidroelectrica signed contracts with the consortium formed by Hidroserv and UCMH for the modernization of the Vaduri, Remeți and Arcești hydroelectric plants.
At the Vaduri Hydroelectric Power Plant, the works undertaken involve the modernization of hydro aggregate number 2 (HA2), the 110 kV station as well as the mechanical and electrical equipment related to the plant and the dam. The basic price of the contract is 79,196,442, to which 7,823,304 lei can be added as miscellaneous and unforeseen expenses.
Within the Remeți Hydroelectric Power Plant, Hidroelectrica has initiated the modernization of hydrounit number 2 (HA2), the 110 kV station, the general installations and the pressure node, including the Drăgan Dam. The basic price of the contract is 144.8 million lei, to which 14.3 million lei can be added as miscellaneous and unforeseen expenses.
At the same time, at the Arcești Hydroelectric Power Plant, works are to be carried out to modernize hydrounit number 2 and to replace the automation and monitoring system related to the services of hydrounit number 1. The contract has a basic value of 82.3 million lei.
“We assure investors that we maintain our commitments to preserve the company’s profitability, simultaneously with the modernization efforts absolutely necessary to preserve Hidroelectrica’s leading position on the energy market. The modernization of these plants is a strategic step for a safe and efficient portfolio. Infrastructure investments are fundamental for Romania’s energy security” – said Karoly Borbely, Hidroelectrica CEO.
Hidroelectrica is the most important electricity producer in Romania, managing 187 hydroelectric plants with a total production capacity of 6.3 MWh. In addition to green energy production, Hidroelectrica provides technological services for the National Energy System and owns a 108 MW wind farm in Crucea.