Radu Constantin, Hidroelectrica: “We have six historical projects for which we are making great efforts to complete them”

“We are in a very important moment in the last 40 years from the point of view of the development that is happening in Romania. The last year was special from the point of view of the projects announced in the national energy system. It seems that we are on a good path.
Hidroelectrica is at the vanguard of protecting the energy system in Romania, being one of the main stability pillars of this energy transition. It is the main goal of the company’s management team.
Of course, we have a series of projects to renovate our power plants. The Vidraru project has a value of 188 million euros. Besides Vidraru, we also have Raul Mare Retezat, with a special production capacity, investment of over 136 million euros. There is a tender procedure for the Bradisor power plant, a project of over 100 million euros,” Radu Constantin, Member of Directorate, Hidroelectrica said during Green Energy Conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Two weeks ago, we signed contracts worth over 300 million lei for renovations at 3 important power plants.
We also have digitalization projects for the SCADA systems on Oltul Inferior Mijlociu. There are another 80 million lei that Hidroelectrica will allocate for digitization.
One of our objectives is the revival of those historical projects, in which we fought with various environmental organizations. Hidroelectrica was supported by the Ministries of Energy and Environment in unlocking historical projects. The government has allocated money for the expropriation of lands from Pascani, approximately 29 million lei for over 2,000 hectares of land to continue that investment which will mean a boost for the national energy system.
We have 6 large, historical projects, for which Hidroelectrica is making great efforts to complete them, with the support of the two ministries: Energy and Environment.
Hidroelectrica has also become an important player on the energy supply market, ensuring the entire value chain from the producer to the final consumer.”