Razvan Copoiu, Enevo Group: “Batteries are a promising technology, but I don’t think they will reach the market very soon”

“There are few EPC companies in Romania, perhaps too few, so we are almost suffocated by the execution of the ongoing projects. We have over 1 GW under construction already. We are few EPC companies, and the projects are more and more complex.
Photovoltaics have grown a lot in size, some have over 100 MW, and the final customers did not take into account the strengthening part of the electrical network. We notice in the pipeline that, although we have many photovoltaic projects, the part of transformer stations is starting to grow a lot.
It is a trend that we will see, and we must have EPCs that are able to do station projects. Regarding the batteries, there are many customers who come to us and tell us that they want to do it, but they ask us how. From our point of view, these storage projects are for now only wishes and that’s all,” Razvan Copoiu, Deputy CEO, Enevo Group said during Green Energy Conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“We need to focus not necessarily on the construction of parks and batteries, but on the area of automation and control to be able to manage energy within a system. Batteries are a promising technology, but I don’t think they will reach the market very soon. We want them to come, but we have to consider that we will need a control system that manages them together with the other energy production methods.
To be able to implement the projects on time we need people. We don’t have people, and we bring them from other countries for the execution part. We do engineering and we don’t have enough engineers. There are not enough qualified people in the market at the moment.
If we want to do more projects, we need more people. But if you bring many people and after 2 years you have no more projects, what do you do? That is a challenge we are currently facing.”