Gebrüder Weiss inaugurates the second logistics hub near Bucharest

The international transport and logistics company Gebrüder Weiss has expanded its network of logistics terminals in Romania. In the southeast of Bucharest, in Popești-Leordeni, the logistics provider has officially launched operations in a new hub, following an investment of 20 million euros.
“The new location complements the existing facilities in the West of the Capital, at Bolintin-Deal, thus facilitating an even more efficient distribution of goods in the metropolitan area. In this way, we offer first-class conditions to provide even better logistical support to Romania’s emerging economy,” says Wolfram Senger-Weiss, CEO of Gebrüder Weiss.
The modern terminal has an area of approximately 19,000 square meters dedicated to storage, cargo handling and administration. It also has transport connections to the port of Constanța on the Black Sea and to Bulgaria. It is equipped with heat pumps and the installation of a photovoltaic (PV) system is considered for the future, along with charging stations for electric vehicles. One of the location’s customers is an international paint manufacturer, for which Gebrüder Weiss stores 12,000 pallets for national distribution.
“The increase in traffic flow in the Capital requires a solution with two terminals, which allows us to supply the metropolitan area from two geographical directions, thus making the distribution of goods more efficient”, explains Viorel Leca, General Manager.
In the first six months of 2024, the new hub handled 78,000 shipments with a total weight of more than 35,000 tons.