Performance of companies in the 3rd sector awarded by The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest (CCIB)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest (CCIB), with the support of the sector City Hall, organized in the Carol I Hall from its historical headquarters the Top of companies in sector 3, to celebrate the business performance of the companies from this administrative-territorial unit.
The awards ceremony was attended by managers of the best performing companies in the sector and representatives of the central administration. Sector 3 concentrates one of the strongest business communities in the Capital. Thus, the companies based in this administrative-territorial unit that submitted the balance sheet last year achieved, cumulatively, a turnover of 72.7 billion lei, i.e. about 14.6 billion euros, net value superior to those recorded at the level of many counties in the country, and an operating profit of 8.1 billion lei (1.7 billion euros).

Also, the companies in sector 3 generated, in 2023, 83 thousand jobs. Among the 11,921 companies that met the eligibility criteria, 3,554 companies were awarded (30% of the total qualified ones), in seven sections: services, trade, industry, construction, research-development and high-tech, tourism and agriculture, and within each group, on five size classes: very large, large, medium, small and micro-enterprises.
“The nomination of eligible companies in the Top emphasizes not only the performance reflected in the accounting balance sheets, but also the significant efforts made to increase competitiveness, increase the quality of services, as well as the performance of managers in the local business environment. I am pleased to point out that 38.3% of the awarded companies at sector 3 level also qualified for the Top municipality stage. At the same time, among the 830 companies that are eligible to receive the trophy of excellence for ranking, for five consecutive years, in the first three positions of the Top Companies from Bucharest – stage by municipality, 19% are from sector 3”, stated Iuliu Stocklosa , the president of the Bucharest Chamber at the opening of the Gala.
“The Export Promotion Program (PPE) for the year 2025 will soon be available, which benefits from the largest amount ever allocated by a post-revolutionary Government of Romania to support exports and Romanian companies. It is a Program of 120 million lei, plus VAT, through which we will organize the participation of thousands of Romanian companies in 75 international fairs and 19 economic missions”, said Dr. Doru Laurian Frunzulică, vice president of the Romanian Investment and Trade Agency Exterior (HURRICANE).
In this context, the high official gave details about the categories of expenses eligible through PPE, the advantages that companies can benefit from and provided useful information about the concrete ways in which ARICE supports the internationalization of businesses.
Răzvan Pârlăcăbescu, Cabinet Director of the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, also spoke about support programs for the business environment: “In addition to the public policy part that we do, we come with programs dedicated to various categories of entrepreneurs: Start-Up Nation , for young people, the Female Entrepreneur, as well as with state aid schemes such as Construct Plus, or the one for the manufacturing industry.”

Most of the awarded companies in sector 3 operate in the service sector (37.2% of the total), followed by companies from the trade sector (30%) and those with an industrial profile (13.6%). Construction concentrates 8.1% of the awarded companies, research-development and high-tech – 5.9%, tourism – 4.6%, while only 1.1% come from agriculture, forestry and fishing. In addition to the distinctions awarded for the economic results obtained in 2023, during the event, special prizes were awarded to the City Hall of Sector 3 and to some companies with domestic capital.