Excellence in business, awarded by the CCIB at the Top Companies in Bucharest

The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) organized the XXXI edition of the TOP COMPANIES IN BUCHAREST, a reference event for the economic life of the capital.
The prize-giving ceremony was attended, along with managers of the best performing Bucharest companies, leading personalities from the socio-economic space, representatives of the Government, representatives of the local administration and some non-governmental organizations.
Among the personalities who honored the invitation of the Bucharest Chamber were: university professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania, Terente Ciui, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT), Dr. Rareș Burlacu, President of the Romanian Agency for Investments and Foreign Trade (ARICE), Ovidiu Silaghi, Secretary General of the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Romania, Dr. Mihai Ionescu, president of the National Association of Exporters and Importers from Romania (ANEIR), co-president of the Export Council, from the private side.

“Beyond the products and services of the dedicated chambers, representing the interests of the business community and our general objectives, we have assumed another important role, that of making known: projects, business ideas, management styles that inspire and motivate the new wave of entrepreneurs. For over three decades we have been awarding excellence in all its forms! Beyond rankings and methodologies, top financial results, we value those who want to be better tomorrow than today and have never stopped thinking outside the box”, said Iuliu Stocklosa, president of the Bucharest Chamber, in the opening of the Awards Gala.
According to the top methodology, among the 169,495 companies with headquarters in Bucharest that submitted the balance sheet for the year 2023, 65,677 companies (38.7%). met the eligibility criteria, and 7,417 were awarded by the CCIB. The winning companies achieved a cumulative turnover of 133 billion euros, an operating profit of over 13.6 billion euros and generated 553.5 thousand jobs.
Regarding the structure by activity fields, most laureate companies operate in the service field (2,590 companies, 34.9% of the total), being followed by the trade companies (2,012 companies, 27.1% of the total) and those with an industrial profile (1,501 companies, 20.2% of the total).

“Romania can and must become an economic power”, said university professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu, pointing out the long collaboration with the chamber institution and its role in promoting the business and investment opportunities offered by our country.
The president of ARICE also spoke about the importance of foreign trade activity in the development of a country’s economy. In this context, Dr. Rareș Burlacu gave some examples from the work of the Agency’s team, on areas on the African continent, but also on the relationship with the USA, Japan and South Korea.
“The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism assures you of its support in terms of interaction with the needs of the domestic business environment, strengthening its capacity to implement and evaluate the public policies it coordinates, necessary for the creation and facilitation of an integrated support system in the field of entrepreneurship”, State Secretary Terente Ciui declared during the Gala.
At the opening of the event, the awardees also received congratulations for the work carried out from the Secretary General of the CCIR, Ovidiu Silaghi, who highlighted the fact that Bucharest is leading the Top at national level, but also from Dragoș Roibu, Cabinet Director of the Minister of Energy.

With an unemployment rate of less than 1%, the Capital concentrates 22.3% of the total number of active companies in Romania, 21.3% of the total number of employees in the country, almost 30% of the sales area and of the retail outlets at national level, 19% of the value of Romanian exports and 33% of the value of imports made by Romania, about 60% of the country’s scientific research activity and 56% of the total foreign direct investments made in Romania after 1990 (about 65 billion euros).
In addition to the distinctions awarded for the economic results achieved in 2023, during the event, excellence trophies were awarded to the companies that in the last five years ranked in the first three positions in the elite competition, as well as a series of special trophies and diplomas. This year the “George G. Assan” trophy, for “Romanian Brand of the Year”, went to Erbașu Constructions, while the “Ioan V. Socec” trophy was awarded to Romanian Television (TVR International) for the show “Invest in Romania!”
The last two events in the series, the Galas dedicated to the laureates of sectors 2 and 1, will take place on Tuesday, November 5 and Wednesday, November 6, respectively, in the Carol I Hall of the CCIB Palace.