The Minister of Energy inaugurated Group 5 Rovinari with an installed power of 330 MW

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, participated in the inauguration of Group 5 in Rovinari, one of the largest and most complex investments in the energy sector in recent decades. The total cost of the investment amounted to more than 120 million euros, and the total installed power is 330 MW.
“This achievement is proof of our commitment to the modernization of the energy system. Today we mark the completion of the refurbishment of group 5 at Rovinari, an investment blocked for years, which few thought was possible. We are talking about 330 MW of installed power, which we are fully counting on this winter, but also in future winters. Coal-fired gensets play a critical role in tough times, so it’s essential to keep them running until we complete the power generation capacity in the strip
I express my confidence that such investments will strengthen our position as a regional leader in the energy sector,” said the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja.
Group 5 Rovinari – Power unit number 5 was commissioned in 1977, with 173,727 hours of operation until 2015. The last major overhaul took place between 1995 and 1998, with 100,031 hours of operation thereafter. Energy group no. 5 has been in operation since 2010.
The technical solution chosen for the rehabilitation of the automation system at block no. 5 within S.E Rovinari consisted in the total modernization of the automation installation, both as solutions and as a system. This involved replacing the existing plant with a new automation system based on current technology.