Ministry of Energy: new call for projects worth 150 million euros for investments in battery storage

The Ministry of Energy announces the launch of the call for projects “Supporting investments in the development of electrical energy storage capacities (batteries)” with funding from the Modernization Fund, within Key Program 1 – Renewable energy sources and energy storage.
The general objective pursued is to support investments in the development of electrical energy storage capacities (batteries) connected to an existing installation for the production of energy from renewable sources, including hydroelectric plants. The storage capacity annually absorbs at least 75% of its energy from the renewable energy production facility to which it is directly connected.
Sebastian Burduja, Minister of Energy: “After the success of the PNRR call for storing green energy in batteries, we have attracted another 150 million euros, non-refundable funds, from the Modernization Fund, which we are launching today.
Storage is the zero priority of the national energy system. It allows the use of green energy and when the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining, it contributes to balancing the system and will mean lower bills for Romanians and for Romanian companies.
The call opened today is in addition to the non-refundable funds of over 13 billion euros attracted during my mandate as Minister of Energy for investments that revolutionize the Romanian energy sector. With the completion of these projects, Romania will have more energy, will no longer depend on others for imports and will be able to support a competitive economy, with better paying jobs and lower bills for domestic consumers. We stick to our motto: investment, investment, investment.”
The call is conducted in the form of a competitive bidding procedure, with a single criterion for ranking the bids, Euro/MWh. The projects are to be submitted in the electronic platform dedicated to FM, MySMIS2021 which can be accessed at the address, between:
– November 19, 2024, 09:00 a.m. – call opening date
– January 17, 2024, 5:00 p.m. – call closing date
Within this competitive bidding procedure, projects that aim to implement a new electricity storage capacity behind the meter (battery), connected to an existing renewable energy production facility, will be able to be financed.
The total budget of the state aid scheme represents the equivalent in lei of the sum of 150,000,000 euros and represents non-refundable amounts from the Modernization Fund.