Business sector urges political parties to keep Romania on its pro-European trajectory

Private sector associations urge the mobilization of the entire political spectrum to keep Romania firmly on its pro-European and trans-Atlantic trajectory, established after the fall of communism in 1989.
“Over the past 35 years, the private sector has consistently championed Romania’s integration into the European Union and alignment with Western values. On behalf of the business community, we have raised concerns whenever actions risked veering Romania away from those principles upon which our security and prosperity depend.
The economic benefits of EU membership are indisputable. Romania’s GDP has grown more than 14 times in the last three decades. European funds have modernized the country, private investments have created jobs and resources for communities, and Romanians enjoy the freedom to travel, work and study across Europe.
We all have a shared responsibility to preserve Romania’s Western orientation and recognize the significant dangers the country faces under the current geopolitical context
The achievements of the last 35 years must be safeguarded.
Our generation must ensure that the decisions made in December 2024 reaffirm those of December 1989: a democratic Romania, EU member, NATO ally, OECD candidate, and a future-looking country,” a release shows.
Signed by:
AmCham Romania – American Chamber of Commerce in Romania,
AHK – Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
AOAR – Association of Romanian Businessmen,
BEROCC – Belgium Luxembourg – Romania Moldova Chamber of Commerce,
BRCC – British- Romanian Chamber of Commerce,
Concordia – Confederația Patronală Concordia,
RBL – Romanian Business Leaders