Mihai Brînzoi, Midia Marine Terminal: “Safety in carrying out activities at sea is one of the most important attributes that teamwork can offer”

Any refinery is just a huge iron structure, if it doesn’t have crude oil flows to feed the installations and set the wheels in motion. Mihai Brînzoi has been working for over 15 years in Midia Marine Terminal (MMT), the company that operates the “entryway” of Kazakh crude oil to Romania. According to him, working at sea requires many skills, but above all, it requires trust, synergy and communication. Trust in the team you work with, synergy between team members and perhaps most importantly – effective communication between them so that the activity can be carried out safely.
Today we continue the series of interviews conducted by The Diplomat Bucharest, with people who dedicate their energy and skill to set in motion an industry of national importance. After 45 years of Petromidia, the sector is actual, still strong and with interesting perspectives.
Mihai Brînzoi, Midia Marine Terminal shared his insights below:
How long have you been employed by the company and what does your job entail?
I joined the Rompetrol Group in 2008, shortly before the offshore terminal (buoy) was commissioned. I can say that I was part of the team that actually oversaw its construction. I remember that, although my job in MMT involved managing the fleet of tugs supporting the terminal, I actively participated alongside pilots, divers, managers, in the development of the first operational, safety and maintenance procedures for all buoy equipment and installations .
That’s when the great MMT family was born. Friendships and respect are born when people help and support each other for a common goal. The phrase “Through thick and thin” gained substance. A lot on my head? YES! Overwhelming? Sometimes! But I got over them. I learned a little bit from everything, and in the end this is the greatest satisfaction.
What determined you to get a job in MMT?
I think the major reason was that the Buoy project was in the beginning, then it was taking shape. In 2008, I had to choose between Rompetrol and another very large company at that time, in the same field. I chose the new one, I bet on the fact that together with a young team, newly made up of quality people, experts in different fields, people with vision, I will be given the chance to grow, develop and together we can create a performing company and efficient. And I chose correctly!
What does working in MMT mean to you and your career?
The evolution of a person depends to a great extent on willpower and entourage. When you’re dealing with mentors and leaders, you can’t help but grow, you can’t help but develop, if you want to. I was never told what to do or how to do it and yet I was always guided, advised and motivated.
I don’t think there is anyone in MMT that I don’t have to thank for who I am today. From each of them I learned something and good things and less good things, small things or not, but all of them, together, had their contribution in defining me.
What impact did the construction of the terminal have and has on the development of the area?
The offshore terminal appeared as a natural need for the development of the Rompetrol group. At that time the Petromidia refinery had a processing capacity of 3.5 million tons per year, and to increase the volumes required more crude oil, much more than our supplier at the time could deliver. This is how the marine terminal appeared, which even now represents the main gate through which the raw material needed for the refinery enters.The investment was colossal, but it included Romania on the exclusive map of countries that benefit from such terminals, with such operating capabilities throughout the world. On a local level, this meant jobs, huge possibilities for economic growth not only for the Rompetrol group and later for KMG International, but also for the Romanian state.
Going over the very low operating costs, almost zero commercial losses, it must be emphasized that this investment represents for Romania one of the most important strategic assets, with direct implications on national security.
How important is the team in working in a marine terminal?
What an individual cannot do alone, becomes achievable when we talk about a team. This statement becomes vital, especially when all activities take place at sea. Safety at sea is one of the most important attributes teamwork can provide. The sea is an exciting work environment, both charming and dangerous, and any simple activity becomes a challenge in the water, both in the depths and on the surface, especially if there are waves.
Open communication between team members, always shared with the leader for effective coordination. It gives the team the ability to quickly find solutions to any problem and make quick and correct decisions to minimize the impact on operations.
Be it pilots, divers, sailors or berth operators, since the beginning, MMT has been able to form well-knit teams with well-trained and motivated people, which is the foundation of successful offshore operations.
How has working with people helped you to evolve?
The evolution of each of us, good or bad, is the result of the interactions we have with the other people around us. I consciously chose to learn from anyone who had something good to share.
For those interested in personal development, teamwork allows for valuable feedback from other team members and beyond, which can significantly help identify strengths and weaknesses, thereby aiding personal growth. I always liked the feeling of belonging to a group, to a team, no matter what position I occupied – member or leader.
Is there a lesson you’ve learned over the years that you’d like to pass on?
Before you ask someone for something, before you claim, you must offer first! This rule is very difficult to put into practice when we talk about trust and respect. You cannot be a group leader over some people who do not trust you, who do not support you.
I try to pass this idea to my child also: “Always try to help without expecting anything in return and you will see how the result will surprise you. Give trust and respect and you will be respected! Trust and respect are not acquired through any training or personal development course, they are cultivated!”