Ahold Delhaize appoints Mihai Spulber as Brand President for Profi

Ahold Delhaize announces today that Mihai Spulber (photo right), currently SVP Operations and Supply Chain at Mega Image, will assume the role of Brand President at Profi effective July 1, 2025. This announcement follows on the decision of current Brand President, Gaetan Pacton (photo left), to leave Profi per July 1, 2025.
Ahold Delhaize recently completed the acquisition of Profi, welcoming the brand to its family of now seventeen brands in Europe, the U.S. and Indonesia.
Mihai Spulber said: “I am honored by the opportunity to lead Profi and contribute to the integration of the company into the Ahold Delhaize family. Profi has tremendous potential, and together with the current team we will focus on strengthening the company’s success. I thank Gaetan for his outstanding contribution and support in this transition. I look forward to meeting the Profi team and continuing together the success story so appreciated by customers, collaborators, employees and partners.”
In the coming six months until July 1, 2025, Gaetan Pacton will continue to secure business continuity, and he will remain responsible for the leadership of Profi.