Transelectrica begins construction of the 400 kV Overhead Power Line Constanța Nord – Medgidia Sud
The National Electricity Transport Company Transelectrica SA is starting the investment for the construction of the 400 kV Overhead Power Line (LEA) Constanța Nord – Medgidia Sud, a strategic project to consolidate the Electric Transmission Network and increase the security of supply to consumers and producers in Dobrogea region.
The investment benefits from a non-reimbursable financing from the Modernization Fund in the amount of 111.8 million RON, being the first Romanian project approved under this European financing mechanism.
The construction works of the new high-voltage power line in Dobrogea will be carried out by the Electromontaj SA – Elm Electromontaj Cluj SA Association, with Electromontaj SA as the association leader, and have a value of over 134 million RON, with a completion period of 30 months.
Ștefăniță Munteanu, President of the Directorate: “The development of the Electric Transmission Network is a permanent concern of Transelectrica, especially given the increasing share of producers from renewable sources. In this context, the Modernization Fund represents real support for the development of Romania’s strategic energy infrastructure, and Transelectrica treats the implementation of projects financed through this mechanism with maximum responsibility. We ensure that each stage of these projects falls within the requirements and standards imposed and is carried out in compliance with the established contractual deadlines. The 400 kV Constanța Nord – Medgidia Sud Overhead Power Line will facilitate the resolution of existing grid congestion in the Dobrogea area, but also the connection of new renewable power plants in the coming period. As part of Transelectrica’s investment strategy for the Dobrogea area, the new power line from Constanța to Medgidia will contribute, alongside important projects such as the Cernavodă-Stâlpu OHL and the Gutinaș-Smârdan OHL, to increasing the capacity to evacuate electricity produced in renewable power plants in the region”.
The construction of the new 400 kV overhead power line will allow, according to the feasibility study, the takeover and transport of an additional capacity of at least 273 MW of electricity produced from renewable sources in Dobrogea, a region with a surplus in terms of energy production. Thus, the investment will ensure the efficient evacuation of energy generated from renewable sources, contributing to the balancing and stability of the National Power System.
Transelectrica has a Development Plan for the Electricity Transmission Network for the period 2024-2033 totalling 9.4 billion RON, which aims to increase consumer supply security, increase interconnection capacities and support the energy transition by integrating production from renewable sources and new power plants.