Rețele Electrice România invests 25 million RON in concrete structures for secondary substations in the next 2 years

Rețele Electrice România, part of the PPC group, launched on the electronic public procurement platform SEAP, a tender with an estimated value of about 25 million RON (excluding VAT). The project concerns the purchase of concrete structures for secondary substations, which will be used in investment projects carried out between 2025 and 2026.
The company reaffirms its commitment to the modernization and expansion of the electricity distribution network, an essential process for increasing the reliability and resilience of the infrastructure in the face of climate change and new consumption needs as a result of increased urbanization and the emergence of new types of consumption or decentralized production. At the same time, this initiative contributes to ensuring a more efficient distribution service that is more adapted to current consumption requirements.
“We are constantly investing in the modernization of the electricity distribution network, in order to make it more reliable and resilient in the face of climate change, but also to be able to better serve the consumption needs of our customers. Through this purchase of concrete structures, we ensure the necessary for future projects to modernize or expand the electricity network in the areas served by Rețele Electrice Romania”, said Mihai Pește, General Manager of the company Rețele Electrice România.
The tender for the purchase of concrete structures for secondary substations will have a deadline for submitting bids on SEAP until 24.04.2025, and the awarded contract will have a duration of 36 months.
To encourage sustainable practices, the company has included specific criteria in the selection process. Thus, bidders who demonstrate the use of recyclable packaging will benefit from an additional score in the evaluation of technical bids. This underlines the company’s concern for environmental protection and the implementation of environmentally friendly solutions in the supply chain.
Through this investment, Rețele Electrice Romania takes another important step towards a more efficient, modern and sustainable energy system, for the benefit of consumers and the communities served.
The company Rețele Electrice Romania operates networks with a total length of about 134,000 kilometers in three major areas of the country: Muntenia Sud (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea, covering one third of the local distribution market, and develops an investment program to improve the quality of services, safety and performance of the networks and local implementation of the environmental standards of the PPC group. The electricity networks operated by Rețele Electrice Romania include 289 power stations and over 25,000 secondary substations.