Study: Most prosumers would purchase a battery storage system, but say price is the main obstacle

Among Romanians who are already prosumers or want to become one, 53% would also opt to purchase a battery storage system, but there is also a large category that does not have enough information about the advantages of batteries or knows nothing about them, reveals a research conducted for the platform, a project of the companies E.ON and Delgaz Grid.
Asked if they know what the advantages of a battery storage system are, the majority of respondents (53%) say that they understand what these benefits are and how the system works, 37% claim that they have heard of this subject, but that they do not know many details, and 10% answered that they do not know the advantages.
Regarding the main motivation for investing in a battery storage system, most respondents (43%) say that reducing energy bills would be the main reason, almost 36% indicated energy independence, 19% security in the event of power outages, and 2% environmental benefits or others.
For 72% of respondents, price is the main impediment to purchasing a battery storage system. About 6% say that the space for installing and integrating the storage system with the already installed PV system is one of the big problems. Another about 2% say that such a system is not useful to them.
Asked about the opportunity and advantages of installing photovoltaic panels in apartment buildings, almost 57% of Romanians who live in such buildings believe that it would be beneficial for all tenants if homeowners’ associations installed such systems. On the other hand, 28% believe that installing photovoltaic panels in apartment buildings depends on the cost-benefit ratio, 6% believe that panels are not feasible for apartment buildings, and 8% admit that they have not thought about this aspect.