Turkish Airlines, The Official Airline of ENERGY EXPO® 2025

The organizer of the region’s most important energy trade fair, ENERGY EXPO® 2025, taking place from May 22 to 24 at Laminor Arena in Bucharest, Romania, has established an agreement with Turkish Airlines to support event attendees’ air travel needs— considering the presence at ENERGY EXPO® 2025 of international companies and visitors from over 14 countries from 4 continents —by offering special discounts, greater flexibility and accessibility, as well as a seamless flight experience.
PROMO CODE for exhibitors and participants attending ENERGY EXPO® 2025
Special discounts are offered for all delegates at the event for both “Economy” and “Business Class” flight tickets. To proceed with the online booking, please visit turkishairlines.com and use the event code “063TKM25” under the Promotion Code field available on the payment page.
Direct and Connecting Flights To and From Bucharest
The airline recently celebrated 30 years of operations in Romania, strengthening its presence with the regular flights from Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Constanța. With a legacy of over 90 years and a fleet of 480 aircraft, Turkish Airlines, the national flag carrier of Türkiye, is the airline that flies to more countries than any other. Operating in 131 countries and flying to 352 destinations, Turkish Airlines has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records™ as the record holder. A member of Star Alliance, the airline is renowned for its excellent service and has been recognized with numerous international awards, including the titles of “World Class Airline – 2024” by APEX, “Best Airline in Europe – 2024” and “Best Business Class Catering – 2024” by Skytrax, and “Most Sustainable Flag Carrier Airline” by World Finance. Turkish Airlines, one of the largest global air carriers in the world, operates daily direct flights from Istanbul to Bucharest and offers connections between major cities across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa through its hub in Istanbul.
Thus, the travel of delegates from over 14 countries who have expressed interest in participating as exhibitors and visitors at ENERGY EXPO® 2025 – Romania, Turkey, China, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Norway, Netherlands, Italy, Moldova, Sweden, Switzerland, India, Malaysia – will be more accessible.
Turkish Airlines & ENERGY EXPO® 2025’s partnership: A shared vision reflecting commitment to sustainability and innovation
The partnership between Turkish Airlines and ENERGY EXPO® 2025 highlights the commitment of both organizations to sustainability and innovation, particularly in the energy and transportation sectors, emphasizing the importance of cross-sector collaborations to achieve sustainable development goals in a responsible manner. Throughout the years, the flag carrier has taken significant measures by adopting a sustainable strategy to address climate change and reduce its environmental impact, including investments in energy-efficient aircraft, the use of sustainable fuels, and active involvement in carbon offset programs.
These initiatives are in synergy with ENERGY EXPO®’s mission and vision – an event that brings together leaders and experts from the energy sector and related industries – to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and exchange best practices for a more sustainable future.
• For more information about ENERGY EXPO® 2025, please visit www.energyexpo.ro.
• For more information about direct flights or connecting flights to or from Bucharest, visit Turkish Airlines’ website at www.turkishairlines.com.
Strategic Partners: Ministerul Energiei I Ministerul Economiei, Digitalizării, Antreprenoriatului și Turismului I Primăria Sector 3 București
Official Airline: Turkish Airlines
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Special Partners: Techcelerator | Romanian Tech Startups Association (ROTSA) | Casa Magazin | VLAdiLA | BILBOR | Pop Cola | Vitamin Aqua | Crama Gîrboiu
Valued Partners: Asociația Municipiilor din România (AMR) | Federația Patronală a Energiei (FPE) | Federația Asociațiilor Companiilor de Utilități din Energie (ACUE) | Energy Policy Group (EPG) | Asociația Producătorilor de Energie Electrică (HENRO) | Asociația Industriei Fotovoltaice din România (RPIA) | Asociația Română pentru Energie Eoliană (RWEA) | Asociația Energia Inteligentă (AEI) | Asociația Furnizorilor de Energie din România (AFEER) | Asociația Inginerilor Energeticieni Și Electricieni (AIEE) | Asociația pentru Energia Hidrogenului din România (AEHR) | Asociația Română Smart City (ARSC) | Asociația Producătorilor de Energie Regenerabilă din Spania (APPA Renovables) | Coaliția pentru Economie Circulară (CERC) | Romania Green Building Council – RoGBC | Comitetul Național Român CIGRE | Future Energy Leaders România (FEL România) | Patronatul European al Femeilor de Afaceri (PEFA) | Coaliția Energie Comunitară (CEC) | KNX România | Petroleum Club România | Asociația RoElectric | EfdeN | Asociația energiaTA | UrbanizeHub | Asociația Compostului din România (ARC) | Ordinul Auditorilor Energetici din România (OAER) | Asociația Inginerilor de Instalații din România (AIIR) | ÎntreVecini | Cooperativa de Energie (CE) | Ambasada Sustenabilității în România | Camera de Comerț Româno-Britanică (BRCC) | ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA
Key Media & Media Partners: Digi24 | G4Media.ro | Ringier | Kiss FM | Energy Magazine | Biziday | Profit.ro | Economedia.ro | Agerpres | NewsEnergy.ro | Business Review | e-nergia.ro | Nine O’ Clock | BURSA | Daibau | Club Antreprenor | Fereastra | Agenda Constructiilor | The Diplomat-Bucharest | Sustainability Today | Prima News | ibuild | Proidea | List.Solar | green.start-up.ro | Energypress.gr | CIO Tech World | Revista Ingineria Instalațiilor | InvesTenergy | IBC Focus | România Durabilă | Academia de Construcții | Economistul | Sustenabilitate.biz | Revista Construcțiilor | RENERGY | The Energy Industry Times (TEI Times) | Club Economic | Jurnalul de Afaceri | ClimateTechReview | ECSR | ELECTRICIANUL | Libertatea | Avantaje | Elle | Unica | Real Estate | connect.ro | LUXURY | Buletin de Bucuresti (BdB) | Petroleum Newspaper