Romanian Association for Wind Energy continues the program for professional retraining of personnel in mining areas
The Romanian Wind Energy Association (RWEA) continues the program on the professional retraining of personnel employed in mining areas and other areas in full energy transition, through the pilot project initiated two years ago, RenewAcad – Academy of Counseling and Training Professional for Renewable Energy Sources.
Thus, RWEA and member companies have launched a campaign to centralize active human resources at the national level in the field of renewable energy, the analysis will indicate both the number of current employees in the field and the expected need to be used for future projects and professional skills necessary.
The results will be correlated with the analysis of employees in the mining sector, to identify the skills gap of miners compared to those of technicians in the renewables industry.
Therefore, the professional retraining process within RenewAcad will be able to be carried out according to the requirements of the employers in the field and starting from a better knowledge of the situation of the trainees.
RWEA, as a promoter of the energy transition, is actively involved in the creation of new jobs, in the field of renewables and electricity distribution, for the absorption of mining staff and young graduates of technical faculties, as well as other residents in areas energy transition.
RWEA, CEZ and RESS (Renewable Schools of Skills) initiated this vocational training project in 2019, in partnership with the Ministry of Energy and other stakeholders in mining basins. The RESS center in Constanţa will be replicated in the Jiu Valley and starting with July of this year, it will train, at international standards, over 400 people per year. RESS annually prepares over 3000 people who now provide maintenance and service for many of the installed wind capacities, but also for other projects abroad, thus developing a new concept – “Wind Navigators”.