Hidroelectrica strengthens its personnel structure with 219 positions
Hidroelectrica’s Supervisory Board approved the new internal organization scheme of the company at the meeting of January 31, following the proposal of the company’s management. The organizational chart change – with effects on the internal structure of Hidroelectrica, involves supplementing the organizational structure with 272 new positions intended to strengthen the company’s departments, but also activity restrictions for areas with less functional demand (-53 positions).
“We are happy to be able to announce today the creation of new jobs in one of the most profitable and competitive Romanian companies: Hidroelectrica. The recent changes will allow us to accelerate the pace of investment, as well as to strengthen the relationship with customers by significantly improving the services offered to them,” said Bogdan Badea, the president of the Hidroelectrica directorate.
The establishment of the positions comes as a result of a serious internal analysis and consultation with the social partner. Hidroelectrica started a few years ago a process aimed at structural modernization and the transformation of the company into a project-oriented company. This organizational transformation takes place with the help of an external consultant, Roland Gareis Consulting (RGC) GmbH, the internationally experienced consulting firm specializing in process, project and change management. Optimizing the organizational structure is the result of this approach, which brings both cultural and structural change.
“We are in a period of challenges – we have to quickly fulfil the investment requirements of the RePower Europe plan, we are in the midst of the stock exchange listing process, we have a spectacular increase in the customer portfolio in the supply area.
Under these conditions, the change in the organizational chart aims to increase the company’s efficiency and strengthen its response capacity in strategic segments: project management, investments, development, trading and supply, IPO support.
With regard to the operation of hydroelectric power plants, we are moving to implement the norm of 5.2 employees/operating post for operative shift personnel. These newly established positions will reduce the number of overtime hours performed by the operating staff and help prepare for the generational change.
We want to attract and motivate well-trained and competitive staff, able to bring added value to our company” – stressed Badea. “The level of salary benefits offered to newly hired staff must correspond to the salary level in the industry, the collective labour contract, as well as the level of motivation packages offered by the multinational companies with which Hidroelectrica enters into direct competition. We make it clear that all positions will be put up for competition publicly, on our company’s website, and we invite those interested and who – obviously, have the necessary training for the requirements to fill the positions, to follow the company’s announcements.”