Association for Supporting Child Artists from Romania and ALRO offer prizes of 20,000 euro for talented children in Olt County
The Association for the Support of Child Artists from Romania – Duiliu Zamfirescu (ASCAR), with the support of ALRO, awards prizes totaling 20,000 Euro for children and young artists from Olt County, who excel in fields such as visual arts and music. The awards aim to support young talents to reach their full potential in the arts.
“Romania has always been a source of talent in the field of arts and I had the joy of discovering great potential among the children and young people of Slatina and Olt county” said Nicolas Duiliu Zamfirescu de Aritonovici – President and founder of ASCAR. “The program that ASCAR launched today aims to identify and provide a platform for young artists, helping them develop their creative skills and take their place in Romania’s vibrant artistic community. I firmly believe that future great artists exist, they are among these talented children and young people whom ASCAR has the honor to reward and support in their future development”.
ASCAR awarded two prizes worth 2,000 euros, six prizes worth 1,000 euros, 12 prizes worth 500 euros and 18 mentions worth 100 euros. A special prize totaling 1,600 euros was awarded to an artistic ensemble.
“Our long-term strategy foresees, in addition to investments in production operations, the support and development of the communities in which we operate through cultural, educational and social actions”, said Gheorghe Dobra (photo), the general manager of ALRO. “Our vision is compatible with that of ASCAR, and together we believe that we will be able to support the development of young artists and the community as a whole”, added Gheorghe Dobra.