Matei Bals Institute can quickly diagnose coronavirus infections, Health Ministry says
Romania’s Bucharest-based Matei Bals National Institute of Infectious Diseases is equipped with all the necessary kits for rapid diagnosis of coronavirus infection.
“Currently, the Matei Bals National Institute of Infectious Diseases is equipped with all the necessary kits for the rapid diagnosis of infections of this type,” according to a press statement released by the Health Ministry, Agerpres reads.
The ministry specifies that the measures established at the airports, as well as for the medical facilities designated for taking over and treating any such cases are kept in place.
Specialists say mortality associated with coronavirus infections is below 2%.
“Today, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, there was a new meeting of the inter-ministerial committee in charge with monitoring and managing potential infections with the new coronavirus, made up of specialists. The latest developments in the coronavirus infections worldwide were also discussed. Infectious diseases specialists and microbiologists explained that although the number of confirmed coronavirus infections is increasing as the diagnostic capacity increased, mortality decreased to below 2%,” the statement reads.
Currently, no case of coronavirus infection has been confirmed in Romania, the ministry said.