Digi Communications posts 446 million Euro EBITDA, up by 37% in 2019

Consolidated revenues of Digi Communications, the leading telecommunication group with businesses in Romania, Hungary, Spain and Italy and the parent company of RCS & RDS SA reached 1.2 billion Euro in 2019.
In 2019 the company increased revenues by 14.2% compared to 2018, from 1.08 billion Euro to 1.18 billion Euro with an adjusted EBITDA of 446 million Euro (including IFRS 16) representing a 37.5% rise compared to the previous year (324.6 million Euro at December 31, 2018).
In Romania, the group continued its positive trend in increasing RGUs in the cable-tv and internet segment, with 6.9 % increase on pay-tv RGUs (4.1 million RGUs on December 31, 2019 versus 3.8 million RGUs on December 31, 2018) and, respectively, 9.8 % increase of the fixed internet service RGUs (2.8 million RGUs as of December 31, 2019 compared to 2.5 million RGUs for the same period of the previous year).
The steady increase in RGUs for the main business lines was supported by a continued upgrading of the optical fiber infrastructure, mobile communications network and in improving levels of customer care.
“2019 was as an outstanding year for our company, in terms of growth in revenues, improved EBITDA and technological development. We are proud of our teams’ achievements – the 5G roll-out in Romania, our mobile telephony services starting in Hungary and the accelerated growth in Spain,” said Serghei Bulgac, CEO Digi Communications.