Government signs 100-million-euro contracts for digitalization of administration and interconnection of databases

The Romanian Government has signed financing contracts worth approximately 100 million euro for four projects for the digitalization of administration, development of electronic public services and interoperability of essential databases of the Romanian state.
“By signing these digitization contracts worth almost 100 million euro from European funds, we show that we want to use every cent of European money and to intensify the pace of modernization of public services through digitalization. And the final beneficiaries are, first and foremost, citizens, both those in the country and in the diaspora, but also the business environment,” declared Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu at the contract signing event.
“The projects started today will eliminate queues at counters and the backlog of files in the administration. We will also bring the state closer to Romanians, both in the country and abroad. We are implementing the latest technologies in the operation of the 112-emergency call system and introducing the number 113 for emergency messages. We are creating digital bridges with Romanians all over the world, through an IT system for identifying funding and information opportunities. For the business environment, we are optimizing the digital platform for state aid, eliminating bureaucracy and reducing approval time”, stated Bogdan Ivan, Minister of Economy, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Tourism.
“STS is part of three projects signed today, one as a leader and two as a partner. We are looking at the most advanced technologies, and among today’s projects is the improvement of the quality of the 112 Emergency Service, a critical infrastructure managed technically and from a cybersecurity point of view by STS. We are talking about multimedia services – video calls, real-time text messages, but also IT components that ensure the necessary support at the level of entities with a role in managing emergencies, respectively of intervention teams, as well as improving the accessibility of services for people with disabilities”, stated General Eng. Ionel-Sorin Bălan, director of the Special Telecommunications Service.
The four projects are:
- The National Interoperability Platform, worth 33 million euros, whose beneficiary is the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania, coordinated by the Ministry of Economy, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship and Tourism.
- The expansion and streamlining of the 112-emergency service offered to citizens and the creation of the 113 emergency message service, worth 45 million euros, whose beneficiary is the Special Telecommunications Service;
- Intelligent digital services for Romanians everywhere, worth 13 million euros, beneficiary: Department for Relations with Romanians Everywhere.
- Improving the mechanism for controlling and monitoring state aid for the benefit of public authorities, citizens and the business environment – technological update of the REGAS platform, worth 8.6 million euros, whose beneficiary is the Competition Council
The projects are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – Smart Growth, Digitalisation and Financial Instruments Programme (PoCIDIF), Action 2.2 E-Government and digitalisation for the benefit of citizens.